It worked for several folders, but not for some others and this is now where I need some help. I have used this video ( How to Delete Files Protected by TrustedInstaller in Windows 10 - QUICK AND EASY! - YouTube) to show me how to gain permission to delete the Avast leftovers. A couple of hours later, I check the left overs, they still were there! With that, I simply deleted the files/folders in my OP. And then when I got tired of looking at the Avast Cleaner (that apparently was doing nothing,) I clicked its X and got the message that if it closed now it wouldn't finish deleting stuff.
Computer restarted in Safe Mode, but nothing appeared to be happening when I clicked Uninstall.
Actually, I just tried the Avast Clear on my noted left-overs. I used Avast Clear too when I removed it, I ran it in safe mode, it got rid of Avast well enough to turn Defender back on but I still had Avast junk files that I never knew existed until today.